Basic Planning Advice for Beginners

Monday, June 27, 2011

August 2010- Continued, post 4

Day 3 Toy Story Mania.

Okay and I mean Mania! EMH morning again so we were inside DHS before rope drop. DH's job was to go ahead and get FP's for TSM, and we would follow and ride immediately. Okay, I know this ride is a lot of fun...but this really was crazy. At rope drop 95% of the people are headed to TSM, and it was a lot of people. CM's lined the way and actually were directing the flow of traffic. Often I will sneak with the strollers down the handicap ramp to the right of the Chinese Theater, but they were preventing that and directing everyone through that tiny little gate by Little Mermaid. Now, as much as I hear complaints about stroller pushers, I must say some people ask for it. As I am politely trying to get through the gate without bumping anyone, people are coming up around me to the left and jumping in front of my stroller to beat me through the gate. If I stop I will get trampled. Now really folks, its just a ride. We make it safely through "The Mania" and get in the line just as DH spots our tie dye and joins us on the line. The board says 45 minutes but I doubt it, and we were on the ride in less than 25. Well worth the wait.

not the best photo of DH but...

A few more rides, and another on TSM (I won, both times, just in case you were wondering), and DB and family finally show up around 11am. We meet for lunch at ABC commissary, but DB is not hungry because he stopped at Old Country Buffet on the way??? What part of this whole Dining Plan/mom already paid for your food part do you not get? Nevermind I am in Disney and I am having fun.

We made our first visit to Lights, Motor, Action, and the kids loved it, as did I.
DS7, DN2, and DS5

Would love to take Gran and Pop to see it, but they were playing golf this morning. For you golfers out there, they had a 10:30 tee time to get the reduced rate, but since they had plenty of time after breakfast they showed up early. They matched them up with another twosome and sent them out to play earlier (read: cooler) and they still only had to pay the reduced rate! They really enjoyed the course (I think it was Osprey Ridge), and the GPS carts with drink coolers etc...

We were able to swap watching the kids with DB and DSIL, so each couple was able to ride Rock and Roller Coaster with the FP's DH had collected for us earlier. We were out of the park by 2:30, and we had dinner ressies at 4:50pm at Boma.

Now on Saturday(tomorrow) we have a 7am ressie at Chef Mickeys. When I made this ressie, I asked the CM how I would get there, and after holding a few minutes while she double checked I was told there was a "special bus for character meals". I would need to notify concierge the day or so before and they would ensure my "special bus" would be there. Some of you are probably thinking "what special bus"? If anyone knows anything about such bus I would love to know, but the desk at Kidani had no idea. Neither did the person she called at transportation, or the desk manager at Kidani. I realize the CM I am working with is a little frazzeled because she doesn't know the correct answer, and it is obvious from the help she gets from the manager that she is still training. So they go "to the back" to figure it out. She comes back and offers us a cab voucher to get to the Contemporary the next day. I will need to pay my own tip. That is fine with me, and I thank her very much. She gives me the voucher. On our way out to dinner I stop at valet and ask about getting the cab the next day. The CM gives me the direct valet # and asks me to call 30 minutes prior to needing the cab, and they would take care of it the next morning. "Great! Thanks so much!" This info will be important tomorrow.

Dinner at Boma was excellent. This was our second trip here and it was just as good as the first. All the food tastes fresh and there is a huge variety. Did I mention that DH does not like exotic stuff? Lets just say, he thought the kids buffet was great. And I have to say Boma had the best dessert buffet of any of the places we have eaten. The famous zebra domes, then there was peanut butter cheesecake on a peanut brittle crust, some kind of chocolate mouse cups, coffee mouse something or other, and warm bread pudding with sauce....fabulous. I'd go just for the desserts. Thankfully we had a better experience than poor Janet did recently at her ill fated breakfast.

Okay, this was the first time that I actually gave the CM our KTTW card to pay. Up until this point DH had done it. As I am looking at the receipt, bells start going off.....wait...that can't be the right number. I start doing math in my head and since I am a Disney Fanatic and I know how the DDP plan works and I plan these things 6 months in advance I know THIS IS NOT RIGHT! Ok. No reason to panic yet. Walking back to Kidani, again doing math in my head, I realize that I am exactly 1 day short on DDP credits. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that although I was assured at Check-in that all was well and I had the DDP for all 6 nights, I did not have DDP on night#6. Right away I go to Concierge, who checks the credits and agrees that must be the error, BUT they cannot add DDP, I will need to contact MS. It is now 6:30pm, and of course MS is closed. I am still not particularly annoyed or worried because this is Disney and I know they will work it out.

Back to Kidani, and we enjoyed an evening swim. We even convinced Gran to go down the waterslide! We stayed to see the beginning of the pool side movie, and the kids thought that it was super neat to have a giant blow up tv screen by the pool. Great idea. Early to bed because we have Chef Mickey at 7am!

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