Basic Planning Advice for Beginners

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 4, Saturday at MK "A Happy Day Despite a Series of Non-Magical Events"

Well, we had the previously mentioned 7:05 ADR at Chef Mickey's so we were up while it was still dark. Promptly at 6am, I used the number the valet gave me the day before to call and order our cab. No answer. Then I tried the little button on the phone that says "Valet". No answer. I call the front desk and speak to Carlos. I tell him I have a cab voucher and I need transportation for 7 people to the Contemporary for a 7am ADR and I was told to call valet at 6am and no one is answering. He goes to physically check the valet booth and of course there is no one there. He tells me that often there are cabs out there waiting all the time to take people, but he will make sure I have my cab at 6:30. (By the way, if you haven't realized it yet, I am very time uptight.) So at 6:20ish I am herding everyone out of the room, and we are at the entrance by 6:25. No cab. No valet, but I did see Carlos at the desk. Hey, it's only 6:25, I'm sure the cab will be here. So we wait, and wait and wait some more, and now I am super stressed. It is 6:40am. I go back inside to talk to Carlos. He does remember me, apologizes for the lack of a cab (I don't think he actually took care of it the first time but...) and then I actually watch him make the phone call for "a cab"....uh, remember the 7 people I mentioned when I called at 6am, and I also just mentioned about 1 minute ago...7! So he stops and asks for the van. Thank Goodness. I appreciate his polite apology, but I am stressed and I hate being late. Another 10 minutes goes by and I am trying to remain calm. Serenity Now! Just as I go back in to ask Carlos to call Chef Mickey's and explain we are coming and why, Mr. Taxi Van pulls up. THANK GOODNESS! We actually made good time to The Contemporary and pulled up around 7:05. Somehow DB had actually gotten himself and his family there before us and he had explained the situation for us. As we get out of the cab, DH gets some $1's for a tip and I hand the guy the voucher. He then tells me....newbie lady at the desk yesterday gave me the wrong copy of the voucher. He needs the other copy or he won't get paid. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Thankfully the Contemporary DOES have someone at Valet, and at her suggestion we end up just paying for the cab on our Disney Visa, and she calls Kidani to explain so we can get reimbursed later. FINALLY off to breakfast.

I am proud, now looking back that DH and I are generally calm, polite people. I firmly believe that being respectful and nice works much better than raising one's voice and getting rude. But man did this day test that.

Chef Mickey's was Chef Mickey's. The kids and DH love it, and I much prefer this way of meeting Mickey and the Gang to waiting on lines for character meet and greets. We actually bought the photo because we were actually all looking at the camera, which is next to impossible with 10 people, 4 of whom are kids.

DH and Pop

This is what makes it all worth while.

After breakfast we walk to MK for my DN's first trip to the MK! We exchanged my Give a Day voucher for the fastpass option. So we basically got 36 instant fastpasses. All that knitting was worth it! (I made an blanket for Project Linus)
We hit all the biggies in Fantasyland, and take DN on her first ride on the Barnstormer. Seeing her have this much fun made dealing with DB worthwhile as well. Since I don't have a princess of my own it was fun to enjoy WDW with her.

After a bit of a delay while Gran, Pop, DB and DSIL got stuck on Splash for 30 minutes, we headed back for a nap, and swim.

Time to take DS5 to kindergarten. Sorry folks the GREAT DDP FIASCO is up next after a much needed nap. I have been awake since 10am yesterday and I need a break.

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